
Becoming a supporter!

It is an easy way to demonstrate your commitment to biodiversity:

You sponsor activities in a certain place, a habitat or for a species, especially if they are closely linked to your line of business or have close ties to your region.

By doing so, you can both affirm the regional identity of your company and compensate for potentially negative impacts your company might have on the environment. Such a symbolic “adoption” provides you with the opportunity to bestow donations in time, cash, or kind needed for the ongoing operation of a habitat or the protection of a particular species.


Becoming involved in the resettlement of the ural owl

Why not sponsor a ural owl and/or a nesting box, thus contributing to the firm establishment of a population of ural owls?

Contribution: € 2,500.00 annually

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 684 KB)


Involvement in the creation of the “” in Hohenau-Ringelsdorf

Why not support the upkeep of crucial ersatz habitats for rare birds and endangered amphibians or foster one of the species sponsored by ””.

Your contribution: € 10,000.00 annually

                               € 1,000.00 annually (fostering)

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 939 KB)


Supporting maintenance work at the Biosphärenpark Wienerwald [biosphere reserve Wienerwald]

Why not sponsor the work of the crew who mow and remove the grass in the wetlands and why not cover the cost of a regional snack for these workmen?

Your contribution: € 600.00 annually

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 982 KB)


Becoming involved in a student maintenance project at the Biosphärenpark Wienerwald [biosphere reserve Wienerwald]

Why not sponsor a maintenance and management project of these valuable dry grasslands by entering a partnership with one of the elementary schools in Baden, Bad Vöslau, or Pfaffstätten aimed at cultivating the landscape, either by an annual or by a onetime financial contribution?

Your contribution: € 200.00 upwards

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 951 KB)


Becoming involved with the orchid meadows at Pielachmündung-Steinwand

Why not support maintenance and management measures at the protected area Pielachmündung-Steinwand, including maintenance of the pastures and removal of non-native trees and shrubbery so that rare plants and endangered wildlife can live and grow?

Your contribution: € 3,000.00 annually

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 745 KB)


Becoming involved in the preservation of a wetland habitat at the protected area Pielachmündung-Steinwand

Why not support the restoration of the wetland habitat and the management of non-native plants at the protected area Pielachmündung-Steinwand?

Your contribution: € 8,000.00 annually

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 728 KB)


Sponsoring the black-bellied hamster

Why not sponsor safety measures taken for hamsters in the vicinity of Baden (an area within the biosphere reserve Wienerwald and the Natura 2000 site of the Wienerwald-Thermal region)?

Your contribution: € 6,000.00 every 1 or 2 years

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 294 KB)


Involvement in an eco-educational programme: getting to know the March-Thaya-Auen [the low grounds along the rivers March and Thaya] and enjoy and explore this area

Why not sponsor a school/kindergarten to further an eco-educational programme in which children serve as goodwill ambassadors to bring the natural habitat closer to the people who live in its vicinity?

Your contribution: € 1,500.00 annually

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 909 KB)


Supporting the buckbean pastures at Pöggstall

Why not support maintenance work and a management concept, the organization of service projects, the clearing of non-native trees and shrubbery as well as the regular mowing of the buckbean pastures at Pöggstall?

Your contribution: € 3,000.00 annually

Find our more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 915 KB)


Becoming involved in the nature reserve Buchberg

Why not support maintenance work and the management concept, the clearing of non-native trees and shrubbery as well as the removing of old forest fences in the protected area Buchberg?

Your contribution: € 4,000.00 annually

  Find our more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 741 KB)


Becoming involved in the protected area Fehhaube-Kogelsteine

Why not support maintenance of the premises owned by the “Naturschutzbund NÖ” [Lower Austrian League for Nature Conservation] in the protected area Fehhauber-Kogelsteine?

Your contribution: € 3,000.00 annually

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 915 KB)


Becoming involved in the interconnected functioning of the semi-dry grasslands at Gumpoldskirchen

Why not support the preparation and implementation of clearing measures and removing shrubbery, participate in the labour-intensive follow-up services and sheep grazing measures as well as in the evaluation of vegetation development?

Your contribution: € 10,000.00 over a 3-year-term

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 931 KB)



Becoming involved in the nature reserve Gurhofgraben

Why not support maintenance of the premises owned by the “Naturschutzbund NÖ” [Lower Austrian League for Nature Conservation] in the protected area Gurhofgraben, so that their ecological function will be preserved?

Your contribution: € 3,000.00

Find our more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 916 KB)


Supporting the wetland meadows at Langen Luss

Why not support maintenance of the premises owned by the “Naturschutzbund NÖ” [Lower Austrian League for Nature Conservation] in the area of Langen Luss, so that their ecological function will be preserved?

Your contribution: € 3,000.00 annually

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 310 KB)


Supporting the hairgrass fields in Erlwiesen near Bernhardsthal

Why not support the preparation and implementation of first measures (removing shrubbery), participate in continuing follow-up services as well as in the evaluation of vegetation development?

Your contribution: € 15,000.00 over a five year term

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 478 KB)


Supporting the iridescent bee-eater

Why not support the habitat of longstanding colonies of bee-eaters and further their development?

Your contribution: € 20,000.00 annually

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 622 KB)


Becoming a night owl

Why not observe bats in their natural habitat? Book a nocturnal staff outing including a stunning lecture on bats!

Your contribution: ~ € 500.00 to € 2,000.00

Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 395 KB)


Supporting Bats

Why not support a population of bats by providing appropriate space or even a building for additional sleeping accommodation (these can also be mounted at a distance, for example on barns). Your company covers the costs. By doing so, you support the protection of endangered bats.

Your contribution: ~ € 2,500.00

  Find out more! (PDF in German only) (PDF, 474 KB)